Hell Chess International round 4 – 5

Bence Korpa – Benjamin Arvola Notkevich from round 5

Bence Korpa from Hungary is in the lead with 4.5 out og 5 points. The position at the top after 5 rounds:


  1. GM Bence Korpa 4.5 out og 5 points
  2. GM Johan-Sebastian Christiansen 4
  3. GM Sebastian Bogner 4


  1. Bjørn Noralf Dybvik 4 points out of 5
  2. Jan Thomas Nordgreen 4
  3. Martin K Andersen 3.5
  4. Carl Christian Aarnes 3.5
  5. Espen Wannebo Aglen 3.5

See all the results from the tournament.

In the blitz chess tournament, Roar Nakken from Sula Chess Club won with 6.5 out of 9 points. This is perhaps the first victory in the Grand Prix of the Sula Chess Club. Best junior player was Emerik V. Roulet-Dubonnet with  6 points.

  1. Roar Nakken 6.5 points out of 9
  2. Christian Laverton 6
  3. Tobias Pettersson  6
  4. Emerik V. Roulet-Dubonnet  6

See all the results from the blitz tournament.

The lesson with Sergey Volkov at Vertigo Bar – Scandic Hell

On Monday night, game analysis was conducted with former Russian champion Sergey Volkov.

The attendees got to see one of his strong games from the Rilton Cup 2014.

Game analyzes with former Russian Champion Sergey Volkov

The Lewis Chess Pieces

Tomorrow, scientist and archaeologist Øystein Ekroll gives a lecture on the Lewis Chess Pieces, which most probably originates from Trondheim.